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Vocal Instruction

Paula Van Kuren has been studying and/or teaching classical vocal technique for 31 years. She began classical voice lessons herself at age 14. She studied voice in college, earning a BSE Music Education, Vocal/Choral. Paula has taught in a variety of settings, and with a variety of students. Her forte is in preparing high school students for a college/career path in vocal music. 


Paula recommends finding a vocal instructor who matches your voice type. There are unique factors in building strength and timbre according to the physical anatomical features in the human voice. Paula is a coloratura or lyrical soprano. She teaches all styles of music utilizing a foundation of classical aria. 


Please email with interest. Paula is currently considering new voice students.


Youth Music

At AerFire, we build a solid music theory foundation using the wisdom of the time-tested music education methods of Suzuki, Kodaly, Orff, and Dalcroze. We utilize children’s natural ability to memorize and learn through song, fun, and play. Then we show children how they can relate their new knowledge across instruments and life. We teach children that music notation is a language that they can learn and use! The songs in their heart can go on a page to be shared!

Homeschool Music

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AerFire is offering music classes on Monday mornings for the 2024-2025 school year.


My hope is to launch a children's choir that is combined with general music classes. In order for that to function properly, we need numbers of children to sign up. I need to get commitments in advance before I block those hours out of my schedule, and ask another music teacher to sacrifice her Thursday mornings too. 


Mondays between 9am and 11 am is the timeframe I'm considering. 


Please email and put 'homeschool music' in the subject line if interested.



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